Siberian Baseball

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Oh, that can't be good...

Say what you will about omens and such, but the news from Mesa can't be positive no matter how you slice it.

Kerry Wood slipping/jumping/being pushed from a hot tub and injuring his ribs to the point that he can't pitch for a few days is at best an annoyance and at worst a harbinger of the stinking wreck of a season to come.

WithLeather asked if Cubs pitchers were made from cobwebs and papier mache and I'm beginning to think he might have a point.

Really, there are three ways to get hurt on Day One at spring traing - 1.) Wrench your back taking your bags from the back of the taxi; 2.) Slip and fall; 3.) Get stuck under the rubble from a grandstand collapse.

And that's about it.

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