Siberian Baseball

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Be patient, willya?

All things considered, it's been a pretty eventful off-season.

Maybe not the crash/bang kind of moves to keep everyone riveted from start to finish, but good enough.

We've been over this all before as the big names came through and switched things up, and I hope to wrap a lot of this up before Truck Day.

In the meantime, sit back and relax before it all starts up again. The living and dying by every little game in June and July.

Breathlessly waiting to see if your team can hold on during the stretch run and hoping against hope in October if your team is one of the final teams lucky enough to still be playing at that point.

That said, I've been ordering tickets for our trip this spring to Fort Myers and just this little graphic here is enough to make me smile and not worry so much about work tomorrow.

In a little over a month, I'll be sitting in the sun with a cold lemonade, resisting the urge to call every last sucker stuck at work in Minnesota and gloat.

Baseball's almost here - are you excited yet?

(Image from



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