Siberian Baseball

Friday, August 10, 2007

So much for that idea...

One of the strange things about attending out of town Red Sox games is that the Sox fans outnumber the home fans more often than not.

While I'm almost positive this is a result of attending more games in Baltimore and Minneapolis than say, Yankee Stadium, it's still a little satisfying when a nice, rumbling Red Sox chant rolls down from the cheap seats and takes over the Metrodome.

It's making me smile just thinking about it.

Anyways, a few days back, I e-mailed Dan over at Red Sox Monster to ask if he'd heard anything about Oriole fans and their crusade to buy out the tickets at Camden Yard to freeze out the great Red Menace to the North.

Well, the results are in and things aren't so great for the O's.

Not that much of this is surprising, I still think of the handful of Baltimore fans I knew during my time out East and regard them in much the same manner as my boss here, who is a Twins fan. In my estimation, meeting a real live O's or Twins fan is much like meeting a unicorn or a leprechaun.

So, enjoy taking over Baltimore, everyone - it's the site of one of my favorite baseball memories, where early in the 2004 season, my dad saw Johnny Damon and asked who the caveman was.

(Image from:

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