Siberian Baseball

Friday, March 28, 2008

Where is "None of the above?" has a feature up where users can vote on which baseball games for the next-gen consoles are doing well in recreating the players in digital form.

While some are pretty accurate, others - like Randy Johnson, who has only been in the league since his rookie season with Hippo Vaughn and is pictured at the right - fall very, very short in each of the three games.

So, check out the offerings from MLB 2K8, MLB: The Show and The Bigs and their varying degrees of success. Then think back to the fact that roughly 10 years ago guys in college sat around and played RBI Baseball for the NES and got along fine with players that didn't have much in the way of facial features.

On a moderately related note, it appears that Barry Bonds was erased from the digital world before he was scrubbed from AT&T Park this week, with no mention of his records in MLB 2K8 for the second year that I'm aware of.

Bonds has been left out of licensed games for years, creating an odd, developer-created players like Jon Dowd, Joe Young and Reggie Stocker in his place in the past. This poses the question - is Bonds being excluded on the records side because he didn't enter into the MLBPA or because the development teams are trying to make some sort of statement.

Sadly, until Kevin Millar starts making a run for a record like most times hit by a pitch or strikeouts, we may never know.

(Image from



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